Brand challenge

Getting adults in the West Midlandscomfortable with learning numeracy

Raise awareness of free adult numeracy courses in the West Midlands, and remove the stigmas around attending.

The behavioural insight that influenced our thinking

A lack of numeracy skills can lead people to negative emotions: anxiety, stress, confusion and low confidence. However, the thought of going back to ‘school’ brings up painful memories, outweighing any motivation to act.

Brand memorability

Our strategy was to shift the focus from ‘learning maths’ to ‘getting comfortable with numbers’.

Therefore, the campaign was designed to help people feel comfortable with brushing up on their numeracy skills. The art direction, typography and copywriting all worked together to change the perception of what an adult learning environment is like. The campaign’s key visuals centred around brightly coloured numeracy sofas on which relatable learners sit comfortably.

This approach to creating awareness of adult numeracy learning is memorable because of its accessibility and positivity.

Business impact

We activated a multi channel approach to deliver the Multiply message across the funnel. First, driving mass awareness of Multiply through high reaching and audio channels. Secondly, retargeting our core audience in one-to-one messaging environments across paid social. We ran a range of creatives throughout to ensure that we avoided creative fatigue. The results?

When driving mass awareness…


Digital audio impressions


Radio impacts


Views on YouTube ads, which delivered 132% more than planned!

When retargeting…

5,798,486 Impressions

Which is 107.8% more than planned!

47,080 Clicks

73.7% more than planned!

Learn more about how we create distinctive brand assets

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