New job in lockdown

Starting a new job in Lockdown

What's starting a new job in lockdown like? “It must be so tough starting a new job during a pandemic?”, <insert…

How retailers can adapt to shopper behaviour post lock-down

How shopper behaviour might change post-lockdown Shopper behaviours, insight and impact on British retailers as…

Behavioural led strategies post lockdown

Behavioural-led strategies post lockdown

This is a 4 blog series on the role of consumer habits post lockdown. Our planning Director, Steve Brunt has already…

Post lockdown implications for brands

Post lockdown implications for brands

This is a 4 blog series on the role of consumer habits post lockdown. Our planning Director, Steve Brunt has already…

Impact of the lockdown on consumer behaviour

Impact of the lockdown on consumer behaviour

This is a 4 blog series on the role of consumer habits post lockdown. In the first blog our planning Director, Steve…

Consumer habits post lockdown

Consumer habits post lockdown

This is a 4 blog series on the role of consumer habits post lockdown. In the first in the series, our planning…

5 retailers building virtual relationships

5 retailers building virtual relationships

How our shopping experience has shifted to the virtual world and will we ever want to go back to normal? With the…

Pret - reciprocity bias

The Reciprocity bias, or simple acts of kindness?

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 global pandemic, the world has come together to support one another in beautiful…

Joe Wicks how habits will be impacted after the lockdown

How everyday habits will be impacted after the lockdown

Breaking the habit. How will our habits be impacted after the lockdown? This blog is a summary of our four part…

Brands going quiet

Brands going quiet? Now is not the time

Brands grow by increasing their physical and mental availability: Physical availability - how easy it is to find and…