How brand heuristics create a memorable brand

I don’t know about you but most of the time I make decisions about which brand to purchase I am completely unaware of…

3 ways behavioural science can boost marketing

There are many ways to use behavioural science to fuel your marketingApproaching the challenge systematically makes…

Immediacy (Hyperbolic discounting): The Behavioural Bias Series

We’d rather have a smaller reward now, than a bigger one later What is Immediacy? Immediacy is the theory that…

Commitment - Personal Investment: The Behavioural Bias Series

The more effort something is, the more you value the result. What is the commitment – personal investment…

Status Quo: The Behavioural Bias Series

We’re creatures of habit, we tend to stick to what we know. What is the Status Quo bias? When it comes to making…

Framing: The Behavioural Bias Series

The way you word something makes all the difference What is framing? The framing phenomenon is about the way we…

Public Pledge: Commitment

Commitment Bias - Public pledge: The Behavioural Bias Series

If you say something publicly, you’re more likely to stick to it. What is the commitment – public pledge bias?…

Behavioural-led approach in marketing

Behavioural-led Approach in Marketing

A behavioural-led approach in your marketing will explain why people don’t buy your brand.  It’s true. A…

Culture and Careers

We’ve changed our name!

We’ve taken the exciting step to change our name from The Market Creative to The Behaviours Agency with fresh branding,…

Behavioural science glossary

Behavioural science glossary: Making sense of the jargon

This behavioural science glossary attempts to understand the effect of individual psychological processes, including…

Applying Behavioural Economics in Marketing

Our latest report, Applying Behavioural Economics in Marketing, shares seven cognitive biases that you can use to take…

Value Perception: The Behavioural Bias Series

Perceived value is the value that a product or service has in a consumer’s mind. They’re usually unaware of what goes…

Restraint bias: The Behavioural Bias Series

As Oscar Wilde once said: “I can resist everything except temptation.” The Kellogg School of Management, in…

Reciprocity: The Behavioural Bias Series

In response to friendly actions, people are frequently much nicer and much more cooperative than predicted. And…

Priming Effect: The Behavioural Bias Series

Priming is something that happens at a very subconscious level. Often when we are exposed to a stimulus like sight,…

The Behavioural Bias Series: The Behavioural Bias Series

As the saying goes, “we always want what we can’t have”. And that’s exactly what the scarcity heuristic is. It’s a…

Bizarreness Effect: The Behavioural Bias Series

Understanding why we make the choices we make gives you a greater opportunity to influence them, and is changing the…

Norms: The Behavioural Bias Series

As individuals, we're genetically programmed to “follow the herd”, which in more primitive times meant our survival.…

Social proof: The Behavioural Bias Series

We feel validated by doing what others are doing. What is social proof? ‘Social proof’ was first used by Robert…