We’re all human: behavioural biases in B2B

I think we can all agree that anchoring affects consumers. It is regularly used in pricing strategies - just think…

Goal dilution effect

Goal dilution effect and the need for focus

If someone throws 10 tennis balls at you, how many are you going to catch? You might just grab one before ducking to…

How the Generation Effect makes you recall ads

The chances are, you remember this poster, part of a Cancer Research UK campaign that ran last year. But why do you…

Reciprocity in marketing: How to use it effectively

This bias describes the urge we have to reciprocate the actions others have done towards us, returning the favour where…

Anchoring in marketing: How to use it effectively

Subconsciously the decisions we make are often steered by what are known as anchors. This is a piece of information…

Hyperbolic discounting

How-to use hyperbolic discounting in marketing

Hyperbolic discounting is one of the cornerstones of behavioural economics, and centres around the premise that we show…

How to use herd behaviour in marketing

Using herd behaviour in marketing is about leveraging our in-built desire to mimic the behaviour of others.We like to…

Authority in marketing: How to use it effectively

Dentists in toothpaste adverts. Chefs endorsing cooking apparatus. Personal trainers sporting premium spandex. We’ve…

Bizarreness effect in marketing: How to use it effectively

Stand out from the homogeneity consumers are confronted with every day by creating something new, unique and…

How-to use the Status Quo bias in marketing

When it comes to making decisions we often unconsciously consider things that are comfortable and familiar.  Things…