We are bringing you a brand new webinar!

Date and time
Thursday, 7 Mar 2024 10:00 – 11:00 GMT

Unlock the untapped value of midlife women.

Despite positive changes in media representation, our research reveals that midlife women often feel invisible and overlooked, leading to a lack of trust in advertisers. The numbers tell a compelling story:

  • 72% are sceptical about the claims made in advertisements.
  • 75% think ads focus too much on physical appearance rather than overall wellbeing.
  • 54% feel ads target their insecurities.
  • 52% think ads may be manipulative or exploitative.
  • 72% feel ads set unrealistic standards of beauty.
  • 69% think ads exaggerate the benefits of products.
  • Only 39% trust ads to provide accurate information.

The question arises: Is the current approach to marketing genuine or merely tokenism?

Join us for a compelling panel discussion with marketing and brand experts as we explore ways to genuinely effect change and make midlife women feel acknowledged and represented—something that is currently lacking.

What you'll learn:

Our goal is to shape positive behaviours in marketing to midlife women. Explore real-world experiences and delve into the complexities of reaching this demographic. Tokenism will serve as a starting point for our discussion. Is the progress in media representation a fleeting trend or a lasting movement?

Who should attend?

If you’re a CMO or marketeer eager to learn more about effectively engaging with midlife women, come and gain valuable experts from pioneers on effectively marketing to midlife women and contributing to positive change in industry statistics. It’s time to move beyond token gestures and authentically understand the multi-faceted world of midlife women.



Sign up HERE.