happiest little agency in the world

What it takes to be the happiest little agency in the world

Making happiness central to our visionIf we had any non-negotiables when we started the business 16 years ago, they…

International Women’s Day 2022 #BreakTheBias

To break the bias, you have to break the biases that influence it There isn’t a year (or a day) when we don’t…

brand mental availability

[RESULTS] No-Brainer Brand Survey Infographic

Recently we sent out our ‘no-brainer brand’ survey. The aim was to get a better idea for how brands…

Hot state decision making: the behavioural bias series

Emotion makes us more likely to make impulsive purchases What is Hot state decision making? High levels of emotion,…

Immediacy (Hyperbolic discounting): The Behavioural Bias Series

We’d rather have a smaller reward now, than a bigger one later What is Immediacy? Immediacy is the theory that…

Think Cow

Von Restorff Effect: The Behavioural Bias Series

The weirder something seems, the more we remember itWhat is the Von Restorff effect? Also called the isolation effect…

Commitment - Personal Investment: The Behavioural Bias Series

The more effort something is, the more you value the result. What is the commitment – personal investment…

Status Quo: The Behavioural Bias Series

We’re creatures of habit, we tend to stick to what we know. What is the Status Quo bias? When it comes to making…

Framing: The Behavioural Bias Series

The way you word something makes all the difference What is framing? The framing phenomenon is about the way we…

Public Pledge: Commitment

Commitment Bias - Public pledge: The Behavioural Bias Series

If you say something publicly, you’re more likely to stick to it. What is the commitment – public pledge bias?…

Authority Bias

Authority bias: The Behavioural Bias Series

The authority bias is when we have an irrational trust in the judgement of expertsWe listen to the word of experts and…

Chunking bias

Chunking bias: The Behavioural Bias Series

We’re more motivated to complete complex tasks when they are 'chunked' into manageable pieces.Chunking is the widely…

Anchoring bias

Anchoring bias: The Behavioural Bias Series

The anchoring bias occurs when people tend to rely too heavily on the first piece of information they see. The first…

Keats heuristic - catch it bin it kill it

Keats Heuristic: The Behavioural Bias Series

You can improve memorability and aid recall using expressions, phrases or headlines that rhyme. This is known as the…

Procrastination Bias

Procrastination Bias: The Behavioural Bias Series

Procrastination Bias: When it comes to making decisions, your brain places higher value on reaping immediate rewards…

Behavioural science glossary

Behavioural science glossary: Making sense of the jargon

This behavioural science glossary attempts to understand the effect of individual psychological processes, including…

The Social Comparison Bias

We’ve all flicked through social media and had a look at how everyone from school is doing.  It’s human nature to then…

Humour effect: The Behavioural Bias Series

The humour effect drives better recall of information because content that is either funny, witty or a bit bonkers…

Power of Free: The Behavioural Bias Series

As humans, anything free is hugely motivating and attractive to us.In an experiment at MIT Dan Ariely author of…

Mental Accounting: The Behavioural Bias Series

As humans, we mentally categorise our money depending on where it comes from or what it has been allocated for in our…

Representativeness: The Behavioural Bias Series

The Representativeness heuristic or shortcut explains our tendency to make assumptions or link things together on a…

Social Incentive: The Behavioural Bias Series

The Social Incentive bias explains the positive impact that being part of a society can have on an individual. Our…

Goal Dilution: The Behavioural Bias Series

Goal Dilution explains the way we perceive the quality of products or services. The more singular something is in its…

Value Perception: The Behavioural Bias Series

Perceived value is the value that a product or service has in a consumer’s mind. They’re usually unaware of what goes…

Restraint bias: The Behavioural Bias Series

As Oscar Wilde once said: “I can resist everything except temptation.” The Kellogg School of Management, in…

Decoy Effect: The Behavioural Bias Series

Adding a less desirable option (a decoy) makes other options more appealing. A decoy can equally be a strategically…

Reciprocity: The Behavioural Bias Series

In response to friendly actions, people are frequently much nicer and much more cooperative than predicted. And…

Priming Effect: The Behavioural Bias Series

Priming is something that happens at a very subconscious level. Often when we are exposed to a stimulus like sight,…

The Behavioural Bias Series: The Behavioural Bias Series

As the saying goes, “we always want what we can’t have”. And that’s exactly what the scarcity heuristic is. It’s a…

Bizarreness Effect: The Behavioural Bias Series

Understanding why we make the choices we make gives you a greater opportunity to influence them, and is changing the…