We’re all human: behavioural biases in B2B

I think we can all agree that anchoring affects consumers. It is regularly used in pricing strategies - just think…

Tapping into the psychology of pricing

Behavioural Scientist Richard Shotton looks at pricing strategy and in particular how tapping into the psychology of…

3 ways behavioural science can boost marketing

There are many ways to use behavioural science to fuel your marketingApproaching the challenge systematically makes…

Behavioural insights: what’s the block?

To me, it’s the obvious approach. The evidence for applying psychology and behavioural research to marketing – or any…

Goal dilution effect

Goal dilution effect and the need for focus

If someone throws 10 tennis balls at you, how many are you going to catch? You might just grab one before ducking to…

How the Generation Effect makes you recall ads

The chances are, you remember this poster, part of a Cancer Research UK campaign that ran last year. But why do you…

Uncovering insights: what really works

The following quotation from David Ogilvy gets to the heart of the research issue and informs the way I’ve always…

Applying Confirmation Bias to marketing

You can hear Eva, one of your colleagues, before you see her. She’s going round the office jauntily shaking a…

Behavioural science. Hottest topics in marketing

Why marketers need to embrace behavioural science

We are delighted to welcome Richard Shotton as our guest author. Richard has worked in advertising for over…