Grafton GB
Building brand architecture for growth

Brand Challenge

Grafton GB had gone through a significant period of acquisition culminating in a stable of over 50 brands, many with regional bias. With a growing focus on digital and requiring greater return on marketing investment the Grafton executive team set out on what they described as “a journey of discovery.”


Our role was to:

  • Lead a customer-centric review of Grafton GB

  • Collaborate with the Grafton executive team and Grafton plc CEO

  • Manage and procure six-figure research and segmentation project

  • Develop the new brand architecture including recommendations for new brands

  • Communicate the strategic plan across the entire business - the HR executive was part of our team

  • Develop the strategic design direction of Grafton GB brands - consumer and trade


The 18-month process resulted in:

  • New business strategy

  • Consolidated brand architecture

  • Brand strategy for 15 core brands - client brand model

  • 10 audience segments

  • Brand Identity and guidelines for master brands

  • Naming & creation of new b2c brand and launch across retail & digital channels

  • Naming & creation of 3000 SKU own-label range