Using behavioural science to influence choice, value & price relativity

The problem

How do you position, name, design and price a suite of packages that encourage domestic oil customers to sign-up for ‘service add-ons’ for 12 months?

Our behavioural solution

Understand the motivations for signing up for service packages, remove friction from the purchase process and leverage behavioural biases relating to price and value.

We conducted a review of the existing academic studies and papers to identify previous successful behavioural science experiments relating to choice, value and price relativity.

Creativity informed by behavioural science

First we used the findings from the academic study to tell us how to position the three packages in relation to one another. 

Then, to steer customers towards a certain package over another, we leveraged the applicable behavioural biases that would do this. We learnt that to make this work most effectively, we needed to decide which of the three tiered packages Certas wanted to drive customers to sign up to.

Once we knew this, we could price the three packages relatively to one another, and use behavioural design techniques to influence decision-making on the basis of the value of each package.

As there were three packages, we developed three behavioural-led solutions that each leverage different cognitive biases in different ways. And each drives customers to either the least, middle or most expensive one.


At time of writing, Certas had yet to promote the packages. This coincided with the coronavirus pandemic, so they remain under wraps.